Zip 61053 (Mount Carroll, IL) Rankings

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United States / Illinois / No Metro Area / Carroll County / No City / Mount Carroll (zip 61053)

Mount Carroll, IL (61053) is ranked #109 in Illinois by for its livability score of 68. This score is based on factors such as cost of living, crime rate, education level, housing affordability, weather and amenities. The city has an average home value of $104,300 and a median household income of $49,545. The unemployment rate is 4.7%, which is lower than the national average of 7%. For recreational activities, Mount Carroll residents can enjoy local parks like the Old Mill Park and the Indian Creek Nature Trail. In addition to these outdoor attractions there are also several restaurants and shops located in the town’s downtown area, making it easy to explore all that Mount Carroll has to offer. Overall, Mount Carroll provides a great quality of life for those looking for a more rural lifestyle with access to plenty of amenities nearby.

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